Friday, 26 October 2007

Just enough melodrama (the art of listening to David Bowie)

If you had no choice but to choose one David Bowie album to ever hear again, what would it be?
Today, for me, it’s Diamond Dogs. I think if I really had to choose, it would remain Diamond Dogs – it has exactly the right amount of sex and melodrama for me. Story telling at its best.
Today I put it on, skip the first 2 tracks and head straight into Sweet Thing. Sweet Thing, with the volume up high, very high (micro systems be gone – give me speakers as tall as me every time!) and let it surround you, wash over you – his vocal range is crisp, clear and sexy. It invites me in, it has captured me and I fall in willingly.
It is the perfect amount of melodrama.
Volume down a bit for Rebel Rebel – top up the coffee.
Then, fall in love again with Rock’N’Roll With Me (is that chocolate in my mouth?). Medium volume – enough for consumption.
We Are The Dead – fabulous language.
Then, onto 1984 – ahead of his time (just as Orwell was), funky and straight out of a movie made sometime in the future.
Ending up with Big Brother & Chant of the Ever Circling Skeletal Family that pushes me away leaves me somewhere else, nowhere.
So, time for lunch and the next CD begins – Strange Angels by Laurie Anderson. Sigh, think I’ll keep that to myself for a while.

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