Sunday, 9 December 2012

FAITHLESS - A New Group Show 10-20 April 12

Above - first communion - Anne Bentley (working image in progress - or digress) 

(on the Llam)

The Heretic
The Pious
The Blasphemer
The Sinner

Four artists finding common ground crossing themes of religion, Catholicism, female artists, madness, faith and acquiescence

Lucinda Clutterbuck, Megan Yeo, Linda Brescia & Anne Bentley
10-20 April 2013 (launch Sat 13 April)
Sheffer Gallery 38 Lander St Darlington NSW 2008 Australia

Monday, 19 November 2012

From the Vault #2

Scanned in 2009 from a negative taken in the late 90s, looking over the back fence where we lived in Abercrombie Street, Sydney.  The cactus flowered once for one night not long before we moved house.

©  Anne Bentley

Sunday, 18 November 2012

From The Vault

July 2008 - portaloos for the world youth pope visit - these god botherers are sure full of s....

Monday, 29 October 2012

Ceramic Ammunition - Michael Williamson Showing Now

Michael Williamson - ceramic artist
22 October - 10 November
Thursday & Fridays 10AM-4PM or by appointment
Callan Park Gallery (just to the right of the administration entrance to the Sydney College of the Arts)

This exhibition delights & surprises (some are not for the overly sensitive or conservative-minded) and two thirds were already sold when I dropped by on Saturday.  Congratulations Michael on a successful show.

Sunday, 21 October 2012

from my desktop

My desktop was so full, I couldn't see the wallpaper so I decided to do some drag & drop filing.  I've cleared up 1/2 of it and left some others like: A sleepy skeleton that I photographed in Macau in 2004.

and then there was Frida Kahlo & Emmy Packard from 1941, which I did not take! (it was up for auction recently so I made a note of it but as it was taken by Diego Rivera, I wasn't going near the bidding)
Finally, one of my favourites from the NGA, by Ken Botto (previously from the collection of Peter Fay):
 some days I look at a slideshow of things I've quickly chucked on my desktop, just for the pleasure and surprise.

Saturday, 6 October 2012

Hamburg Bumble Bee

buzz buzz

August 2012 - Hamburg, Germany 
© 2012 Anne Bentley

Monday, 1 October 2012

Puppet Busker

Looking down from the Centre Pompidou, Paris, France.
© July 2012 Anne Bentley