AH has gone for a walk to buy a bottle of red to have with dinner. I don't know what I'll make us for dinner. I know if I turn on the television, I probably won't do anymore work tonight and I haven't done anything yet.
Oh, except email an Australian in Berlin who is after some Sydney urban shots to project onto a wall for a thing she's doing (x fingers).
Just now I was reading a friend's blog: http://www.ombites.com.au/ and found a link to the name & shame NSW food authority - all the restaurants and takeaways you so don't want to go to..
A lot of fun to read is the convictions page: http://www.foodauthority.nsw.gov.au/aboutus/offences/prosecutions/
on the penalty notice page
(http://www.foodauthority.nsw.gov.au/penalty-notices/) there was only one place in Newtown that was caught out for dodgy hand towels but the Blue Mountains makes me think twice about a weekend away. Fair enough, there are a lot of food places in the BM but Newtown has heaps of places too.
Ashfield has quite a list... Glebe had none.
I get annoyed when I waiting to be served to get, say, a salad sandwich and I watch the way some people use the same tongs for ham, chicken, cheese and then the tomatoes. Then it all goes on the same bread board, which is wiped with a grotty tea towel... I usually leave. Happens a lot. One time I asked the person serving not to use the same tongs she'd just used to cook bacon with to make my lunch. She replied, oh, you don't like bacon? geez.
meanwhile - I found a photo I took window shopping on Parramatta Road in October last year.
At first glance the model looks like breast surgery gone wrong,
"Oh nurse, what happened to the nipples I had in that dish?"
but I expect it's what women can buy to have that little extra in their cup. Living with breasts that discovered gravity as soon as they began to grow, having a D-cup since probably high school I'd swap with the lesser chesty any day:

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