Friday 1 May 2009

Watch out serial monogamists - Centrelink gonna getya!

How exciting that the Rudd government has "kept true" to it's promises for same sex couples law reforms.
And what better way to let everyone know by headlining with "Couples are Couples" - if you're on social security and have just done the dyke thing of move in together the day after the night you met, say bye bye to your dole.
That's right, 'equal'(read: almost, sort of close) rights means the Gov wants to cut more people off the dole.
Will this mean that people sharing house who are the same sex will get as harassed as a man and a woman sharing house? I shared house with 2 people who were long time friends and housemates. They were both homosexual and of the opposite sex and Centrelink used to hassle them all the time as defacto (even though the bloke was obviously camp).
That's a thought - I wonder how people will react when Centrelink asks housemates if you girls or guys are just good friends! How do straights answer that one?
Gosh, I can almost taste the strained homophobia.

What other reforms are there? umm, if you're a breeder there's stuff and a bit of immigration, which is good - makes moving to Australia as difficult as straights that don't marry.
I'm not into following the hetero flock (and really find the white wedding and expected expense carryon totally ludicrous) but the Labor Party still won't agree to marriage between people of the same sex. Marriage can only be marriage if it is between a man and a woman.

Damn, what happened to the days when you could get a friend to put your dole form in... No one bothered the unemployed and the unemployed could hang out with other unemployed and do stuff like watch Prisoner on the telly and get really excited when the midday movie was in colour and almost adult & modern while eating baked beans straight out of the can...
Sure people could bludge a bit and winter is a bit cold to get a job and summer, well how about that heatwave, can't work in that... But eventually people get work - the people who want to rip off the system will always find a way to rip off the system but it seems everyone gets punished.
So gee thanks once again mediocre feddies I feel all warm and not too furry knowing that any independence I feel as an individual will always be under scrutiny. See, reforms that don't go all the way really only benefit one way.
Same can be said for the work place relations changes - someone may work for 20 years and get retrenched but if there's less than 15 people working there, they get nothing and dismissal is not unfair. How fair is that?
Arts, what arts?

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