Friday, 26 February 2010

Meet Ted

he lives with Ed...

A visit to the artist's house last October.
I took this photo to check the light in order to take a photo of Ted's human, the artist Edwina Wrobel as I am going to run a story about she and her work on this blog site. 
The story will happen soon and definitely before Edwina's show TBA towards the end of this year.  She was in a group show at the Balmain Watchhouse recently where she had one of the old cells filled with over a dozen paintings, which were sold out within 3 days.  Stay tuned.

© Anne Bentley

Tuesday, 23 February 2010

Boy's Own

A real advert from 1922 - aimed at Mum or Dad?  It looks like the boy is aiming his erector set piece at the little picture of the boy in the suit.  Do you think he has another piece stashed in his pocket?
I want to know who the artist is - was he/she having a right laugh or were they totally oblivious?

( I found this while noodling about (read procrastinating) some internet sale pages - a guy is selling a heap of adverts he's taken from old magazines for about US$12 each - he is also selling old magazines that may or may not be complete... they may be a page missing so they are being sold 'as is' for about $12)

Monday, 22 February 2010

Victory Geese

Victory Geese - Centennial Park, Sydney (image about 2002-03)

why geese? - just because and I like this shot - they could be a V for Victory or Peace.
I took this at a time in the morning I probably haven't seen since then - out with a friend near dawn.  We had our manual cameras, tripods & lots of black and white film but after a bleary-eyed session drinking all the thermos tea, we mostly hovered near the kiosk until it opened for coffee and toast.   Ended up with some very nice shots though.
And I'm also doing my best to procrastinate, as I do.  It's stinking hot today, someone is using a drop saw outside (honestly, it feels like I'm living in the middle of a factory estate for the last year+) oh, and here comes my period (no horse riding for me today!).  and the lovely chap who will be showing my next exhibition has asked for 'some words' - so of course I'm going through my archive that bears no relation to the show...

Saturday, 13 February 2010

"The Director's Cut"

when the director called, Action! chaos ensued

(click on it for a larger view.
from my coming exhibition in June called SANE)

Monday, 8 February 2010

from the studio floor

Still Life - dried chilli on platter (about 2008) - the 'studio floor' being a bit of black foam on the kitchen floor..

Sunday, 7 February 2010

Don't start singing Leonard Cohen songs

even if it is a bird on the wire...
(Fig Bird with Lillypilly berry on the wire outside our front door Jan2009)

Saturday, 6 February 2010

Grave Moments #2

Camperdown cemetery Friday 13th March 2009 (cross-processed slide film)

Monday, 1 February 2010

The cats are still in the bag

ACP reading room Paddington Sydney

I've been wondering if I should have the cats in the bag made into a postcard...  so many much fun.
And, letting the cat out of the bag - my other blog is no longer neglected - I've just uploaded a couple of previously-unpublished-on-the-blog rock shots. 
check them out & get on down & then get back up again

Fleeting moments - painted walls 10 years ago (Postcards of my photos)

From 10 years ago (gosh time goes by and all that):

Wilson Lane (near Redfern) 1999

This laneway runs between Abercrombie Street (sometimes called Applecrumble Street coined in the late 1980s-early 1990s because of all the earthy lesbians renting cheaply there, just around the corner from "the block" Redfern) & Wilson Street.  This piece of communal work (meaning someone painting over someone's tag over someone's comments...) was like this for less than a month so I am glad I had a camera in my pocket that day. 
I had Wilson Lane 1999 made into a postcard in 2008 along with:

"Doorbell"  Australia Street Newtown

I took this at the end of 2000, to finish off a roll of film a week after arriving back from Ireland & Germany and the day before I broke my ankle.  "Doorbell" is of course gone - the house sold long ago.  A band lived here when this was taken - they would often spray paint their next gig a little further up on the white wall.  This is an image I really like - it is a good statement about living in Newtown 10 years ago.  Makes a good postcard too.